For Sabena technics, Ora-Ito imagined an innovative and conceptual approach for aircraft interior design. ‘‘Line follows function‘‘. The concept, based on Ora-ïto’s principle of ‘‘Simplexity’’, or the artistic ability to give an object with complex functions a simple appearance, consists of lines and strips where the flow leads you naturally to dedicated functions. This effect creates a dynamic and elegant layered landscape. Functional lines include seatings, lights, windows, tables – lines that all have logical material choices. In this particular case the design is presented in an A319 CJ, however it can be adapted to all aircraft types, depending on customers’ individual needs.
The inner-body of the aircraft, one unique fluid design, gives a complete feeling of openness across the aircraft and throughout its lounge, meeting and rest areas. In line with his timeless and universal style, Ora-ïto has developed the aircraft’s entire structure with an architectural feel using modules, which integrate with perfect harmony. The designer imagined, alongside Sabena technics’ engineers to ensure a perfect fit, in line with the aviation industry’s rigorous requirements, a refined and uncluttered environment combined with comfort. Using fewer elements in an optimised manufacturing infrastructure, the environmental impact will be less important than conventional aircraft interior completion. This is the vision of rationalised luxury by Ora-ïto applied to aircraft interior design.