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Huby — LaCie


A unique de­sign. Com­bin­ing form and func­tion with ta­l­ent, the La­Cie Hu­by is distin­guish­able as much for its unique de­sign as for its com­pre­hen­sive con­nec­tiv­i­ty fea­tures.

Hu­by was ex­clu­sive­ly de­signed for La­Cie by Ora-Ito, the renowned in­ter­na­tio­n­al de­sign­er of the Brick and other ex­traor­d­i­nary prod­ucts. Made of ro­bust glossy white po­ly­car­bo­nate, it stands out with its round bulb-like shape and flex­i­ble ca­bles com­ing out of it. Each port is linked to a colour LED light, which lights up when a pe­ripher­al de­vice is con­nect­ed.