In 2011, Aubecq invites ORA-ÏTO and suggests to design a range of cookware combining Aubecq’s unique CNC technology as well as its multy clad know how.
ORA-ÏTO is the brand and name of a famed French designer. His work has been aclaimed by critics and popular opinion. From an esthetic point of view, design, function and shape, fit perfectly together, adding a touch of sensuality. In 2012, Aubecq is proud to present its 5 PLY collection. The most advanced cookware range.
THE NUMERICAL CONTROLLED CUTTING™ TECHNOLOGY (CNC) has been designed to maximize the conduction power. This high precision numerical controlled cutting which lets copper appear enables your utensil to rise in temperature in record time. The heating technology optimization of your utensils reduces your power energy while preserving the nutritional and flavour quality of cooked products.
THE MOST ADVANCED COOKWARE TECHNOLOGY. During the past 5 years, Aubecq ‘s ingenior have studied and explored all kind all paths in order to improve heat conduction. They have succeeded by using 3 different kinds of material. A multi clad of stainless steel, aluminum and copper.