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Café Savinskaya 23 — Moscow Design Week


The de­sign­er Ora-Ito is go­ing to vis­it Mos­­cow once more so as to pre­­pare some­thing spe­­cial for MDW again. This year, the de­sign­er will pre­sent the pro­­ject Cafe SAVV­IN­SKAYA 23 named af­ter the cen­ter of mod­­ern de­sign, where it will be lo­­cat­ed. Its open­ing is sche­d­uled for Novem­ber 2012. How­ev­er, the vis­i­­tors of MDW have a chance to see the pro­­to­­type of the bar a month ear­li­er. The art ob­­ject is fea­­tured by flex­i­­bil­i­­ty of lines and fu­­turis­tic shapes, so typ­i­­cal for the au­thor. Bright col­or mag­ne­­tize a view­er and doesn’t let him off, caus­ing thoughts about ex­­trater­re­s­­trial civ­i­l­iza­­­tions and their slow pen­e­­tra­­tion in­­­to our re­al­i­­ty. From 11 to 16 of Oc­­to­ber Mos­­cow De­sign Week 2011 took place in Mos­­cow, prov­ing its sta­­tus of the most im­­por­­tant de­sign event in Rus­sia in its widest sense: from graph­ic, in­­te­ri­or and fashion de­sign to in­­­dus­­trial and ar­chi­tec­­tu­ral de­sign.