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Gas Hob — Gorenje


The Goren­je col­lec­tion by Ora-Ito is made up of a se­lec­tion of fridge-freez­ers, mul­ti­func­tio­n­al built-in ovens, glass ce­ram­ic hobs, evac­u­a­tion hoods, as well as de­c­o­ra­tive pan­els for in­te­grat­ed dish­wash­ers and mi­crowaves. All ap­pliances rate in the A en­er­gy class and fea­ture all the func­tions to­day’s us­er could ask for. Distin­guish­able by the uni­form as­pect of their white glass front pan­els with brushed alu­minum han­dles, avai­l­able in black or sil­ver, the new col­lec­tion con­sti­tutes an ex­cel­lent choice for lovers of pure lines and mul­ti­func­tio­n­al home ap­pliances.